Display Style and Printing

The Style menu allows you to change the way nets are displayed and printed out, without changing what they mean or the way they behave.  The size, font , color and labeling of the nodes can be adjusted, and individual nodes can be displayed in a form which is best for that node.  The labeling and nature of the displayed links can also be changed.  The magnification of the drawing can be adjusted.

Net diagrams can be printed with a printer, in color and magnified/reduced if desired.  Presentation quality graphics can be created by copying and pasting from a net into other applications or by generating SVG graphics.

If an end-user who is not familiar with Bayes nets is going to be using the finished net, then it can be displayed in a suitable manner, perhaps by hiding links and some nodes, and displaying the rest of the nodes as bar graphs, meters, or data entry ovals, depending on the application.  You may also want to place text on the net diagram, to add a title or note.