As an example of a case file, here is a listing of “Chest Clinic.cases” which was produced by the Simulating Random Cases example. It involves only discrete nodes with state names, and has an IDnum column, but no frequency column. (Another example)
// ~->[CASE-1]->~
IDnum |
VisitAsia |
Tuberculosis |
Smoking |
Cancer |
TbOrCa |
XRay |
Bronchitis |
Dyspnea |
1 |
No_Visit |
Present |
Smoker |
Absent |
True |
Abnormal |
Absent |
Present |
2 |
No_Visit |
Absent |
Smoker |
Absent |
False |
Normal |
Present |
Present |
3 |
No_Visit |
Absent |
Smoker |
Present |
True |
Abnormal |
Present |
Present |
4 |
No_Visit |
Absent |
NonSmoker |
Absent |
False |
Normal |
Absent |
Absent |
5 |
No_Visit |
Absent |
Smoker |
Present |
True |
Abnormal |
Present |
Present |
6 |
No_Visit |
Absent |
Smoker |
Absent |
False |
Abnormal |
Present |
Present |
... |
119 |
No_Visit |
Absent |
Smoker |
Absent |
False |
Normal |
Present |
Present |
120 |
No_Visit |
Absent |
Smoker |
Present |
True |
Abnormal |
Present |
Present |