Class Node

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Node
extends General

A node (object which represents a variable) in a Net (Bayesian belief network or decision network).

All versions
5.04 - January 21, 2012

Field Summary
static int CONSTANT_NODE

The value of this node is considered unchanging until the net is rebuilt.


Node is for a continuous (analog) variable.

static int DECISION_NODE

This node is for a variable that can be controlled by the agent (the "decision" node of an influence diagram).


This node is just a placeholder for a disconnected link, to indicate the type of parent it requires.

static int DISCRETE_TYPE

Node is for a discrete (digital) variable.

static int EVERY_STATE

Deprecated. use State.EVERY_STATE

static int IMPOSS_STATE

Deprecated. use State.IMPOSS_STATE


Deprecated. use Value.LIKELIHOOD_VALUE instead.

static int NATURE_NODE

The value of this node is determined by nature (also known as a "chance" or "deterministic" node).


Deprecated. use Value.STATE_NOT_VALUE instead.

static int NO_FINDING

Deprecated. use Value.NO_VALUE instead.

static int TEXT_TYPE

A future type of Node, one used for holding or rendering text.

static int UNDEF_STATE

Deprecated. use State.UNDEF_STATE

static int UTILITY_NODE

This node specifies the agent's desires; its expected value will be maximized.

Fields inherited from class norsys.netica.General
Constructor Summary

Default constructor - do not call this constructor directly.

Node(java.lang.String name, int numStates, Net net)

Creates and returns a new node for net.

Node(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String stateNames, Net net)

Construct a node with the given name and state names, for the given Net.

Method Summary
 Value action()


 int addLink(Node parentNode)

Adds a link from parentNode to this node, and returns the index of the added link.

 void addStates(int firstState, java.lang.String stateNames, int numStates, double cptFill)

Adds one or more states to this node, inserting them into the existing states.

 void addToNodeset(java.lang.String nodeset)

Adds this node to the node-set named nodeset.

 int calcState()

Returns the discrete finding entered for this node if one has been entered, or the state calculated from its neighbors if that can be done deterministically (e.g., by equation or function table), or else UNDEF_STATE.

 double calcValue()

Returns the real-valued finding entered for this node if one has been entered, or the real value calculated from its neighbors if that can be done deterministically (e.g., by equation or function table), or else UNDEF_DBL.

 void delete()

Removes this node from its net, and frees all resources (e.g., memory) it was using.

 void deleteLink(int parentLinkIndex)

Delete the link entering this node from the given parent node.

 void deleteTables()

Deletes this node's function table, its CPT table, and its experience table.

 void enterFinding(int stateIndex)

Deprecated. use finding().enterState (stateIndex) instead.

 void enterFinding(java.lang.String stateName)

Deprecated. use finding().enterState (stateName) instead.

 void enterFindingNot(int stateIndex)

Deprecated. use finding().enterStateNot (stateIndex) instead.

 void enterLikelihood(float[] likelihood)

Deprecated. use finding().enterLikelihood (likelihood) instead.

 void enterValue(double value)

Deprecated. use finding().enterReal (value) instead.

 void equationToTable(int numSamples, boolean includeSamplingUncertainty, boolean addExisting)

Builds the CPT for this node based on the equation that has been associated with it (see setEquation).

 void fadeCPTable(double degree)

Smoothes the conditional probabilities (CPT) of this node to indicate greater uncertainty, which accounts for the idea that the world may have changed a little since they were last learned.

 void finalize()

Called by the garbage collector, when this node can no longer be referenced.

 Value finding()

Returns the Value object holding this node's finding (aka, "evidence") information.

 float getBelief(java.lang.String stateName)

Gets the belief that this node is in the given named state.

 float[] getBeliefs()

Returns a belief vector indicating the current probability for each state of this node.

 NodeList getChildren()

Returns a list of the children of this node.

static java.lang.String getConstructorClass()

Retrieves the classname of the class that Netica-J uses when constructing a Node.

 float[] getCPTable(float[] cpTable)

Retrieves the entire CPTable of this node as a 1-D array.

 float[] getCPTable(int[] parentStates, float[] cpTable)

Returns the conditional probabilities of this node, given that its parents are in the states indicated by the parentStates vector, by looking them up in the node's CPT table.

 float[] getCPTable(java.lang.String parentStatesStr, float[] cpTable)

This does the same as getCPTable(int[], float[]) except that it takes the parent states as a string rather than as an integer array.

 java.lang.String getEquation()

Returns the equation associated with this node, or the empty string (rather than null), if this node does not have an equation.

 float[] getExpectedUtils()

Returns a vector providing the expected utility of each choice in a decision node, considering findings currently entered.

 double getExpectedValue(double[] moments)

Returns the expected real value of this node, based on the current beliefs for this node, and if moments is non-null, moments will be filled with the moments as well.

 double[] getExperTable(int[] parentStates, double[] experTable)

Given parentStates, a vector of states for the parents of this node, this returns the "experience" of the node for the situation described by the parent states.

 int getFinding()

Deprecated. use finding().getState() instead.

 int getInputIndex(java.lang.String linkName)

Returns the link index number of the link whose name is linkName, or -1 if there isn't one with that name (case sensitive comparison).

 java.lang.String getInputName(int inputIndex)

Gets the name of this node's input (i.e., link) identified by the given index.

 int getKind()

Returns whether this node is a nature, decision, utility or constant node.

 double[] getLevels()

Returns the list of numbers used to enable a continuous node to act discrete, or enables a discrete node to provide real-valued numbers.

 float[] getLikelihood()

Deprecated. use finding().getLikelihood(null) instead.

 Net getNet()

Returns the net that this node is part of.

 int getNumStates()

Returns the number of states that this node can take on, or zero if this node is a continuous node that hasn't been discretized.

 NodeList getParents()

Returns a list of the parents of this node.

 double[] getRealFuncTable(int[] parentStates, double[] realTable)

Gets the real value of this node as a function of its parent nodes.

 void getRelatedNodes(NodeList relatedNodes, java.lang.String relation)

Finds all the Nodes that bear the relationship relation with this node and puts them in relatedNodes.

 int[] getStateFuncTable(int[] parentStates, int[] stateTable)

Gets the state value of this node as a function of its parent nodes.

 int getType()

Returns DISCRETE_TYPE if the variable corresponding to this node is discrete (digital), and CONTINUOUS_TYPE if it is continuous (analog).

 double getValueEntered()

Deprecated. use finding().getReal() instead.

 boolean hasTable(boolean[] complete)

Returns true if this node has a function table or a CPT table, otherwise false.

 boolean isBeliefUpdated()

Whether the beliefs for this node have already been calculated (by belief propagation).

 boolean isDeterministic()

Whether the value of this node, given its parents, is deterministic (versus probabilistic).

 boolean isInNodeset(java.lang.String nodeset)

Returns whether this node is a member of nodeset.

 boolean isRelated(java.lang.String relation, Node otherNode)

Tests whether this node bears the relationship relation with otherNode.

 int[] parentStatesToIndexes(java.lang.String parentStateNamesStr)

Utility to convert a comma and/or space delimited string of parent state names for this node to an array of state indexes.

 void removeFromNodeset(java.lang.String nodeset)

Removes this node from the node-set named nodeset.

 void reorderStates(int[] newOrder)

Rearranges the order of the states so that state i is moved to position newOrder[i].

 void retractFindings()

Deprecated. use finding().clear() instead.

 void reverseLink(Node parentNode)

Reverses the link from parentNode to this child node, so that instead it goes from this node to parentNode.

static void setConstructorClass(java.lang.String nodeClassNm)

Sets the classname that Netica-J will use to independently construct Nodes.

 void setCPTable(float[] cpTable)

Sets the entire CPTable of this node in one call.

 void setCPTable(int[] parentStates, float[] cpTable)

Sets the probabilities for each state of this node, conditioned on its parent nodes.

 void setCPTable(java.lang.String parentStateNames, float[] cpTable)

This does the same as setCPTable(int[], float[]) except that it takes the parent states as a string rather than as an integer array.

 void setEquation(java.lang.String eqn)

Sets the equation giving the probability of this node conditioned on its parent nodes, or the value of this node as a function of its parents.

 void setExperTable(double experience)

Sets the experience of this node as a function of its parent nodes.

 void setExperTable(int[] parentStates, double experience)

Sets the experience of this node as a function of its parent nodes.

 void setInputDelay(int linkIndex, int dimension, java.lang.String delay)

Sets the "time" delay for a link of this dynamic Bayes net (DBN) to delay.

 void setInputName(int inputIndex, java.lang.String inputName)

Sets the name of this node's input (i.e., link).

 void setKind(int kind)

Sets whether this node is a nature, decision, utility or constant node.

 void setLevels(double[] levels)

Sets the levels list of this node to levels.

 void setPersistance(int dimension, java.lang.String persistance)

Sets the time persistance for a node of a dynamic Bayes net (DBN), which is the maximum time it should hold its value before taking on a new one.

 void setRealFuncTable(int[] parentStates, double funcValue)

Sets the real value of this (continuous) deterministic node as a function of its parent nodes.

 void setStateFuncTable(int[] parentStates, int funcState)

Sets the state value of this (discrete or discretized) deterministic node as a function of its parent nodes.

 void setStateNames(java.lang.String names)

Names the states of this node using the list of names names.

 State state(int stateIndex)

Returns a state of this node.

 State state(java.lang.String stateName)

Returns a state of this node.

 void switchParent(int linkIndex, Node newParent)

Switches the parent of the identified link with newParent.

 VisualNode visual()

Return the VisualNode object which can be used to control the visual display of this node in Netica Application.

Methods inherited from class norsys.netica.General
addListener, eventOccurred, getComment, getEnviron, getLabel, getLabel, getName, getTitle, removeListener, setComment, setName, setTitle, toString, user
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail

public static final  int CONTINUOUS_TYPE 
Node is for a continuous (analog) variable. Opposite of DISCRETE_TYPE. See getType.

public static final  int DISCRETE_TYPE 
Node is for a discrete (digital) variable. Opposite of CONTINUOUS_TYPE. See getType.

public static final  int TEXT_TYPE 
A future type of Node, one used for holding or rendering text. Not currently used.

public static final  int CONSTANT_NODE 
The value of this node is considered unchanging until the net is rebuilt. See getKind.

public static final  int DECISION_NODE 
This node is for a variable that can be controlled by the agent (the "decision" node of an influence diagram). See getKind.

public static final  int DISCONNECTED_NODE 
This node is just a placeholder for a disconnected link, to indicate the type of parent it requires. See getKind.

public static final  int NATURE_NODE 
The value of this node is determined by nature (also known as a "chance" or "deterministic" node). This is the most common kind of node. See getKind.

public static final  int UTILITY_NODE 
This node specifies the agent's desires; its expected value will be maximized.

This is a "value" node of an influence diagram. See getKind.

public static final  int EVERY_STATE 
Deprecated. use State.EVERY_STATE

public static final  int IMPOSS_STATE 
Deprecated. use State.IMPOSS_STATE

public static final  int UNDEF_STATE 
Deprecated. use State.UNDEF_STATE

public static final  int LIKELIHOOD_FINDING 
Deprecated. use Value.LIKELIHOOD_VALUE instead.

public static final  int NEGATIVE_FINDING 
Deprecated. use Value.STATE_NOT_VALUE instead.

public static final  int NO_FINDING 
Deprecated. use Value.NO_VALUE instead.

Constructor Detail
public Node (
 String  name
 int  numStates
 Net  net 
) throws NeticaException
Creates and returns a new node for net.

If the node is for a discrete variable, pass the number of states it has for numStates.

If the node is for a variable which is continuous in the real world, pass 0 for numStates, even if you plan to later discretize it to a certain number of states (see setLevels for more details).

name will be the name of the new node. It must be different from the names of all other nodes in net (by case-sensitive comparison), and it must be a legal IDname, which means it must have NAME_MAX (30) or fewer characters, all of which are letters, digits or underscores, and it must start with a letter. If name ends with an asterisk (*), then Netica will replace the * with an integer to make a unique name for the node; you can discover what name was picked using getName after the node is formed.

The node will start off as a nature node (kind = NATURE_NODE), but it may be changed by calling setKind.

String    name    The name of this node.
int    numStates    The number of states for this node, if this is a discrete node. If it is continuous, then supply 0, even if you plan to later discretize it to a certain number of states. See setLevels.
Net    net    The net in which the new node is placed.


In the C Version of the API, this function is named NewNode_bn.
See Also:
delete    (reverse operation) Removes the node from its net and frees memory it uses
copyNodes    Creates nodes by duplicating them, even from another net
setKind    Set what kind of node it is (nature, decision, utility, etc.)
setLevels    The way to set the number of states if the node is for a continuous variable being discretized
setName    Later change the name
setTitle    Label the node without the IDname restriction
getType    Determine if it was created as a continuous variable node
getNumStates    Retrieve numStates
getName    Retrieve name
addLink    Link the new node with others
Net    Create a net for adding nodes

See setLevels for creating a discretized node for a continuous variable.
// Here is how you might make a new node with the 2 states // "true" and "false" using this constructor. Node node = New Node ("n1", 2, net); node.setStateNames("true, false");

public Node (
 String  name
 String  stateNames
 Net  net 
) throws NeticaException
Construct a node with the given name and state names, for the given Net.

A convenience constructor, identical to Node(String, int, Net), only where you can assign the nodes's state names immediately, rather than having to call setStateNames separately.

String    name    The name of this node.
String    names    A string of unique stateNames, each separated by a comma and/or space. Each stateName can be no larger than NAME_MAX (30) chararacters.
Net    parentNet    The net in which the new node will be placed.


 // Here is how you might make a new node with the 2 states "true" and "false".
 Node node = New Node ("n1", "true, false", net);

public Node ( ) throws NeticaException
Default constructor - do not call this constructor directly. The only reason it has public access is that this is required should you wish to subclass this class, since in that case you will need to supply a default public constructor for Netica to use in constructing instances of your special type of Node.

Method Detail
public Value action ( )

public int addLink (
 Node  parentNode 
) throws NeticaException
Adds a link from parentNode to this node, and returns the index of the added link.

This index will be one greater than that of the previously added link, and the existing links will maintain their same indexes.

If this node, the child node, has a table (CPT or function table), its entries are initially duplicated so its values are the same for each possible state of the new parent. In other words, they are independent of the new parent, so that the link from parent to child has no effect on probability computations until the table is changed.

parentNode must be in the same net as this node, or an exception will be thrown, and no action taken.

A warning will be generated (which can be detected by calling getWarnings) if there is already a link from parentNode to this node, or if the added link creates a cycle, but the link will be successfully added. If you don't remove one of the offending links, and later try to compile the net or do node absorption, an exception will be thrown.

Node    parentNode    The node which will now be one of our parents, and we its child.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named AddLink_bn.
See Also:
deleteLink    Removes the link between two nodes
switchParent    Switches parents without changing conditional probabilities
copyNodes    Also duplicates all the links between them


public void addToNodeset (
 String  nodeset 
) throws NeticaException
Adds this node to the node-set named nodeset.

Creates a new node-set if nodeset is not yet present in the net containing this node.

String    nodeset    A nodeset name.


Versions 3.22 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named AddNodeToNodeset_bn.
See Also:
removeFromNodeset    (inverse operation) To remove the nodes
isInNodeset    Determines if a node is in a node-set
Net.setNodesetColor    Change the display color for Netica Application
Net.reorderNodesets    To change the priority order of a net's node-sets
Net.getAllNodesets    Returns string listing all node-sets defined

public void addStates (
 int  firstState
 String  stateNames
 int  numStates
 double  cptFill 
) throws NeticaException
Adds one or more states to this node, inserting them into the existing states. The first one added will have index firstState, and numStates is the number of states that will be added. If state is zero, the states will be added before existing ones, and if it is the same as the number of states of the node ( or -1), they will be added at the end.

The names parameter can be a comma delimited list of new names for the added states, or it can be null, in which case the added states will be given default names. It must be null if the node's states currently do not have names.

Pass -1.0 for cptFill. It is only for future expansion.

This function is for discrete nodes only. It is not for continuous nodes, even if they have been discretized (use setLevels instead).

All relevant parts of this node will be properly modified to reflect the changes, including findings. The state titles and state comments of the added states will be absent.

The CPTable will be appropriately adjusted. In it, the probability of the new states will be zero.

int    firstState    The insertion point of the states, that is, the index of the first state inserted.
String    names    An optional, comma-delimited list of names to assign to the states. If null, then the states will receive default names.
int    numStates    The number of states to add.
double    cptFill    For future expandability. Pass -1.0 for now.


Since version 3.01
In the C Version of the API, this function is named AddNodeStates_bn.
See Also:
State.delete    Removes a single state
reorderStates    Assign a new order to the states
getNumStates    firstState must be between 0 and this, inclusive
getIndex    Retrieve the new indexes of the states
State.setName    Sets name of one state at a time
State.setTitle    Doesn't have the restrictions of a name
State.setComment    Assigns arbitrary text documentation to a state
setLevels    For continuous nodes

public int calcState ( ) throws NeticaException
Returns the discrete finding entered for this node if one has been entered, or the state calculated from its neighbors if that can be done deterministically (e.g., by equation or function table), or else UNDEF_STATE.

If this node is not a discrete or discretized node, then an exception is thrown (then use calcValue instead).


Versions 1.18 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named CalcNodeState_bn.
See Also:
calcValue    For real values (i.e., continuous)
getFinding    Doesn't do deterministic propagation

public double calcValue ( ) throws NeticaException
Returns the real-valued finding entered for this node if one has been entered, or the real value calculated from its neighbors if that can be done deterministically (e.g., by equation or function table), or else UNDEF_DBL.

If this node is not a continuous node, and doesn't have a levels list defined (see setLevels), then an exception is thrown (then use calcState instead).


Versions 1.18 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named CalcNodeValue_bn.
See Also:
calcState    For discrete nodes
GetNodeValueEntered    Doesn't do deterministic propagation

public void delete ( ) throws NeticaException
Removes this node from its net, and frees all resources (e.g., memory) it was using.

If this node has children, they will end up with disconnected links for parents, and the names of these links (if they weren't already named) will become the name of this node. If this node has parents, then links from them will simply be removed.

If a complete net is to be disposed of, use Net.finalize instead, which also deletes all its nodes.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named DeleteNode_bn.
See Also:
Node    (Inverse operation) Creates a new node in a net
absorbNodes    Maintains joint distribution while removing
Net.finalize    Deletes all the nodes of a net

The following method is available in
/** * Removes all the nodes in nodeList from their net, and deletes them. * @param nodeList the nodes to delete */ static void deleteNodes (NodeList nodeList) throws NeticaException { while (nodeList.size() > 0) { Node node = (Node) nodeList.remove (0); node.delete(); } }

public void deleteLink (
 int  parentLinkIndex 
) throws NeticaException
Delete the link entering this node from the given parent node. Removes the link going to this child from the parentLinkIndexth parent node of this child.

parentLinkIndex should be 0 for the first parent, and must be less than the number of links entering this child (the parent ordering is given by getParents).

It is often more useful to be able to delete a link by specifying the 2 nodes it connects. In order to do this use the method deleteLink defined in the example below.

If this child has a CPT or function table, it is collapsed as if the removed parent were taking on its first state (state = 0), unless there is a positive finding entered for the parent, in which case it is collapsed with the parent taking on the finding state.

WARNING: When a link is deleted, keep in mind that the numbering of subsequent links changes. For example, to delete all the links entering a node, use the method "DeleteLinksEntering" example below, not:   for (pn = 0; pn < numParents; ++pn) DeleteLink (pn);

WARNING: Keep in mind that after deleting a link into node child, any list of parent nodes for child that was previously returned by getParents is no longer valid.

int    parentLinkIndex    The index of the parent Node whose link we wish to remove.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named DeleteLink_bn.
See Also:
addLink    Adds a link between two nodes
switchParent    Switches parents without changing conditional probabilities
(can be used to disconnect link instead of deleting)

Example #1:
The following method is available in
/** * Removes the single link from node 'parent' to node 'child'. * If there is no link from 'parent' to 'child', or more than one, it generates an error. * @param parent the parent node * @param child the child node */ static void deleteLink (Node parent, Node child) throws NeticaException { NodeList parents = child.getParents(); int index = parents.indexOf (parent); child.deleteLink (index); }
Example #2:
The following method is available in
/** * Removes all links entering node child * See the deleteLink comment for explanation * @param child the child node */ static void deleteLinksEntering (Node child) throws NeticaException { NodeList parents = child.getParents(); int numParents = parents.size(); for (int pn = 0; pn < numParents; ++pn) child.deleteLink (0); }

public void deleteTables ( ) throws NeticaException
Deletes this node's function table, its CPT table, and its experience table.

It does not modify this node's equation or its links.

You don't need to call this function if you are deleting the whole node, since Node.delete and Net.finalize also delete all of their nodes' tables.


Versions 2.07 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named DeleteNodeTables_bn.
See Also:
hasTable    Determine if a node currently has a table
deleteLink    Reduce the number of parents of the node
setStateFuncTable    Give a node a function table with its parents
setCPTable    Give a node a probabilistic table (CPT) with its parents
Node    Creates a new node without any tables

public void equationToTable (
 int  numSamples
 boolean  includeSamplingUncertainty
 boolean  addExisting 
) throws NeticaException
Builds the CPT for this node based on the equation that has been associated with it (see setEquation).

numSamples is the number of samples to make per parent condition. The higher the number, the more accurate the conversion will be, but the longer it will take. If this node and its parents are discrete, then it only takes one sample to generate an exact probability, and so in that case this argument is ignored.

includeSamplingUncertainty indicates whether to include in the generated probability table the uncertainty due to the sampling process or not. If the equations are simple (don't have narrow spikes), and the value passed for numSamples is high enough, it is better to make this argument false, so that the CPT entries for 'impossible' are zero, rather than close to zero. Otherwise make it true.

Normally you pass false for addExisting, but you can pass true if you wish the new sampling to be added to the table which already exists. If the equation conversion to table is nondeterministic (i.e., requires sampling), then calling this method twice with addExisting = true is equivalent to calling it once with a value of numSamples twice as large. So you can increase the accuracy of the conversion in small steps by repeatedly calling with addExisting = true. Or if you want to blend equations (say you want to indicate a 30% chance of equation 1 and a 70% chance of equation 2), you can call it twice, first setting equation 1 and using numSamples = 3, then setting equation 2 and using numSamples = 7. Similarly, you can blend equations with learned probabilities (see reviseCPTsByCaseFile), and those entered manually with setCPTable and setExperTable.

int    numSamples    The number of samples to make per parent condition.
boolean    includeSamplingUncertainty    Whether to include in the generated probability table the uncertainty due to the sampling process or not
boolean    addExisting    Whether you wish the new sampling to be added to the table which already exists. Normally false.


Versions 1.18 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named EquationToTable_bn.
See Also:
setEquation    Specifies the equation to be used
getEquation    Retrieves an equation, if it exists
getCPTable    Retrieve the table, if its probabilistic
getStateFuncTable    Retrieve the table, if its deterministic discrete
getRealFuncTable    Retrieve the table, if its deterministic continuous

public void fadeCPTable (
 double  degree 
) throws NeticaException
Smoothes the conditional probabilities (CPT) of this node to indicate greater uncertainty, which accounts for the idea that the world may have changed a little since they were last learned.

degree must be between 0 and 1, with 0 having no effect and 1 creating uniform distributions with no experience. Calling fadeCPTable once with degree = 1-d, and again with degree = 1-f, is equivalent to a single call with degree = 1-df.

The global variable BaseExperience is used in the calculation as shown below. It's value should be the same as it was when the learning from cases was done (if it was). It must be greater than 0, and the most common value for it is 1 (1/2 is also commonly used). You will normally set it to one of these choices, depending on your philosophy, and leave it that way permanently.

Each of the probabilities in the node's conditional probability table is modified as follows (where prob and exper are the old values of probability and experience, and prob' and exper' are the new values):

    prob'  = normalize (prob * exper - (prob * exper - BaseExperience) * degree)
    prob'  = normalize (prob * exper * (1 - degree) + degree * BaseExperience)
  exper' is obtained as the normalization factor from above. So:
    prob' * exper' = prob * exper * (1 - degree) + degree * BaseExperience

When learning in a changing environment, you would normally call fadeCPTable every once in a while, so that what has been recently learned is more strongly weighted than what was learned long ago. If an occurrence time for each case is known, and the cases are learned sequentially through time, then the amount of fading to be done is:
degree = 1 - rDt where Dt is the amount of time since the last fading was done, and r is a number less than, but close to, 1 and depends on the units of time and how quickly the environment is changing. See the example below.

double    degree    The amount by which to fade the probability tables; 0.0 <= degree <= 1.0


In the C Version of the API, this function is named FadeCPTable_bn.
See Also:
reviseCPTsByFindings    Is passed a 'degree', which also can be used to weight the impact of learning a case
getCPTable    Read out the faded probabilities table
getExperTable    Read out the faded experience table

Example #1:
  // The following does the same fading for a list of nodes:
  static void fadeCPTsForNodes (NodeList nodes, double degree) throws NeticaException {
      for (int n = 0;  n < nodes.size();  ++n){
          Node node = (Node) nodes.get(n);
          node.fadeCPTable (degree);
Example #2:
  // The following bit of code may be executed in a loop which is
  //   traversed as the cases are learned, in order to do the
  //   required fading:
  //     time - the occurrence time of the last case learned
  //     lastTime - a number initialized to the time of the 1st case
  //     minDelay - a number controlling how often fading is done
  //     rate - a number determining how much fading is done
  //     net - the net being learned
  if ((time - lasttime) >= minDelay){
      double degree = 1.0 - Math.pow (rate, (double) (time - lasttime));
      fadeCPTsForNodes (net.getNodes(), degree);
      lasttime = time;

public void finalize ( ) throws NeticaException
Called by the garbage collector, when this node can no longer be referenced.

If in your application the native node associated with this node will no longer needed when this node is to be garbage collected, then you may wish to override this method and call delete in your finalize() method.

You may, however, wish to call it directly to ensure or hasten the freeing of native resources.

If you do override this method, be sure to call the base class method (super.finalize();).

See Also:
delete    Frees the native resources used by this node

finalize in class java.lang.Object

public Value finding ( )
Returns the Value object holding this node's finding (aka, "evidence") information.

Call that object's methods to manage the findings information for this node.


In version 2.26 and later.
  node.finding().setState (0);  // claim finding that node is in state 0

public float getBelief (
 String  stateName 
) throws NeticaException
Gets the belief that this node is in the given named state. A convenience method based on getBeliefs. See that method for more detailed documentation.

String    stateName    The name of the state whose belief value we seek.

This method is available in all versions.
See Also:
getBeliefs    Retrieves beliefs for all states

public float[] getBeliefs ( ) throws NeticaException
Returns a belief vector indicating the current probability for each state of this node.

The vector will be indexed by states, with one probability for each state (if required, the state indexes can be found from their names using state("stateName").getIndex()). It will be normalized, so that the sum of its entries is 1.

This provides the current beliefs (i.e., posterior probabilities) that the variable represented by this node is in each of its states, given the net model and all findings entered into all nodes of the net (positive findings, negative findings and likelihood findings).

The net containing this node must have been compiled before calling this (with compile), or an exception will be thrown. If the net has been modified it must be recompiled, but just entering findings does not require a recompile.

this node should be a discrete or discretized nature node.

If belief updating hasn't been done since the last findings were entered, it will be done before this method returns, which can be time consuming (you can call isBeliefUpdated before calling this to find out if belief updating will be done).

If you need the beliefs to persist, make a copy of the vector returned, since its contents may become invalid after further calls to Netica API. Do not try to directly modify or free the vector returned.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeBeliefs_bn.
See Also:
isBeliefUpdated    Tells whether getBeliefs will trigger belief updating
getNumStates    Determine length of vector returned
getJointProbability    More than one node at a time
compile    To do the initial compiling before entering findings
getExpectedUtils    Get the resulting expected utility of a decision node
getExpectedValue    For numeric nodes, get expected value and standard deviation

  // This method is useful to get the belief that a certain node is in
  // a certain state, based on the names of the node and state.
  static float getBelief (String nodeName, String stateName, Net net) throws NeticaException {
      Node node = net.getNode (nodeName);
      int stateIndex = node.state(stateName).getIndex();
      return node.getBeliefs()[stateIndex];

public NodeList getChildren ( ) throws NeticaException
Returns a list of the children of this node. Those are the nodes that have a link going to them from this node. If it has no children then the empty list (rather than null) will be returned.

If there are several links from this node to the same child, then that child will appear only once in the list returned, so the length of the returned list may be used to provide the number of unique children of this node.

Consecutive calls to this method may yield lists in different orders.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeChildren_bn.
See Also:
getParents    Get a list of the parents
addLink    Create a new child
deleteLink    Remove a child

public static String getConstructorClass ( )
Retrieves the classname of the class that Netica-J uses when constructing a Node. This is the class Netica-J uses, for example, during the process of retrieving the nodes from a net that was read from file.

This method is available in all versions.
See Also:
setConstructorClass    Set the className to be used for this purpose

public float[ ] getCPTable (
 int[ ]  parentStates
 float[ ]  cpTable 
) throws NeticaException
Returns the conditional probabilities of this node, given that its parents are in the states indicated by the parentStates vector, by looking them up in the node's CPT table. The length of parentStates must be the number of parents of this node, and each of its entries provides a state for the corresponding parent. The length of the array returned is the number of states of this node, and consists the conditional probabilities:

  P (this node = state0 | parents take on parentStates)

  P (this node = state1 | parents take on parentStates)


  P (this node = stateN | parents take on parentStates)

Notice that it is not conditioned on any findings (evidence) entered into the net, so its value will not change as findings are added or belief updating is done.

null will be returned if no CPT table has been associated with this node (for example by setCPTable, setStateFuncTable, equationToTable, reviseCPTsByCaseFile or reviseCPTsByFindings), or if the table has been removed (for example by deleteTables), but no exception will be thrown. If you use only setEquation to indicate a node's relation with its parents, you must also call equationToTable before this will return non-null.

The order of the states in parentStates should match the order of the nodes in the list returned by getParents (this will be the same order that parents were added using addLink). mapStateList may be useful for that. parentStates can be null if this node has no parents.

parentStates should not include EVERY_STATE or UNDEF_STATE.

If setStateFuncTable was used to provide this node with a function table, then getCPTable can be used to retrieve that table in the form of conditional probabilities, which will all be 0 or 1.

To get all the conditional probabilities of this node at once, see the GetNodeAllProbs example below.

If you will be regularly calling this method on this node, then you may wish to re-use the array to be filledbt supplying it as parameter cpTable, in order to avoid the continuous allocation of new memory. If cpTable is null or too small, then a new array will be allocated and returned.

If parentStates is null then the entire table is returned.

int[]    parentStates    An array of state indexes (one per parent) for which the Conditional Probabilities are desired.
float[]    cpTable    An array to be reused and filled with the probabilities. May be null, in which case a new array will be allocated and returned. Otherwise, it should have at least as many elements as the number of states of this node. If it does not, then a new array will be allocated and returned.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeProbs_bn.
See Also:
setCPTable    Sets them
hasTable    Determine if getCPTable is going to return null
getBeliefs    Conditioned on findings, but not parents
absorbNodes    Can be used to find probabilities conditioned on parents and findings
getStateFuncTable    For deterministic nodes
getExperTable    The confidence of the probabilities obtained
getParents    Indicates the order of entries in parent_states
getNumStates    Length of the array returned (plus one if node continuous)
mapStateList    To create the state list passed in

Example #1:
  // To just get the probability that node is in state, given parentStates
  double prob = node.getCPTable(parentStates) [state];
Example #2:
  // Puts all the conditional probabilities of node into the array probs.
  // You could allocate probs as follows
The following method is available in
/** * Returns all the conditional probabilities of a given node as a 2-D array. * You may supply an array to re-use. If it is null, however, then one will be supplied. * @param node is the node whose CPT we are retrieving * @param probs is an array of probabilities, the first dimension being of size equal to * the size of cartesian product of the states of each parent of node. * The second dimension is the number of states of node. * i.e., float[][] probs = new float[(int) NodeListEx.sizeCartesianProduct (node.getParents())] * [node.getNumberStates()]; * It may be null, in which case an array will be allocated for you. */ static void getNodeAllProbs (Node node, float[][] probs) throws NeticaException { NodeList parents = node.getParents(); int numStates = node.getNumStates(); int[] parentStates = new int[parents.size()]; //initially all zero int probSet = 0; while (true){ float[] vecp = node.getCPTable (parentStates, null); if (vecp == null) break; for (int st = 0; st < numStates; ++st) probs[probSet][st] = vecp[st]; if (NodeListEx.nextStates (parentStates, parents)) break; ++probSet; } }

public float[ ] getCPTable (
 String  parentStatesStr
 float[ ]  cpTable 
) throws NeticaException
This does the same as getCPTable(int[], float[]) except that it takes the parent states as a string rather than as an integer array. For additional documentation, see getCPTable(int[], float[]).

int[]    parentStates    An array of state indexes (one per parent) for which the Conditional Probabilities are desired.
float[]    cpTable    An array to be reused and filled with the probabilities. May be null, in which case a new array will be allocated and returned. Otherwise, it should have at least as many elements as the number of states of this node. If it does not, then a new array will be allocated and returned.

This method is available in all versions.
See Also:
setCPTable    Sets them

public float[ ] getCPTable (
 float[ ]  cpTable 
) throws NeticaException
Retrieves the entire CPTable of this node as a 1-D array.

See the example below for how the retrieved probabilities will be arranged. Basically, the rule is that the largest indexed parent's states will vary most rapidly, then the second largest indexed parent's states, and so on.

The 1-D array may be given to the inverse method setCPTable.

float[]    cpTable    An array to be reused and filled with the probabilities from the entire CPTable. May be null, in which case a new array will be allocated and returned. Otherwise, it should have sufficient space for the entire CPTable. If it does not, then a new array will be allocated and returned.


This method is available in all versions.
See Also:
setCPTable    Sets it
getCPTable    Retrieve part of the table instead

Example #1:
  Suppose you have a node with 4 states and it has two parents.  
  Parent1 has 2 states (say 'true' and 'false').
  Parent2 has 3 states (say 'red', 'green', and 'blue'). 
  The CPT for the node is initially as follows:
                        |  Probabilities that node is in 
      parent1  parent2  |  state1  state2  state3  state4  
      -------  ------   |  ------  ------  ------  ------
      true     red      |  0.0     0.8     0.2     0.0
      true     green    |  0.1     0.7     0.2     0.0
      true     blue     |  0.1     0.1     0.1     0.7
      false    red      |  0.0     0.0     0.0     1.0
      false    green    |  0.0     0.0     0.2     0.8
      false    blue     |  1.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
  You want to retrieve the above table.
    You can do this easily by calling:
  float[] probs = node.getCPTable (null); //sets probs to an array of length 24
  float[] probs2 = {0.0F, 0.8F, 0.2F, 0.0F,
                    0.1F, 0.7F, 0.2F, 0.0F,
                    0.1F, 0.1F, 0.1F, 0.7F,
                    0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F,
                    0.0F, 0.0F, 0.2F, 0.8F,
                    1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F};
  Arrays.equals (probs, probs2); //evaluates to true.
Example #2:
  If you want to do fetch the above node's CPT repeatedly, you can save on
  the heap allocation of a new array each time as follows:
  float[] probs = node.getCPTable (null);
    node.getCPTable (probs); //reuses probs, filling it with node's CPT values

public String getEquation ( ) throws NeticaException
Returns the equation associated with this node, or the empty string (rather than null), if this node does not have an equation.

For information on Netica equations, see the "Equation" chapter of Netica Application's onscreen help.


Versions 1.30 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeEquation_bn.
See Also:
setEquation    Sets it
equationToTable    If this hasn't been done, equation may not match CPT table

public float[] getExpectedUtils ( ) throws NeticaException
Returns a vector providing the expected utility of each choice in a decision node, considering findings currently entered.

The vector will be indexed by states, with one utility for each state (i.e., choice).

The net containing this node must be a decision net (i.e., have decision and utility nodes), which has been compiled before calling this (with compile), or an exception will be thrown. If the net has been modified it must be recompiled, but just entering findings does not require a recompile.

Before calling this all preceding decision nodes must have positive findings entered.

this node must be a decision node.

If belief updating hasn't been done since the last findings were entered, it will be done before this method returns, which can be time consuming (you can call isBeliefUpdated before calling this to find out if belief updating will be done).

If you wish to retrieve a whole table of values, providing the optimal state to choose given the parent states, use getStateFuncTable.


Versions 1.07 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeExpectedUtils_bn.
See Also:
getStateFuncTable    Retrieve table of optimal choices as a function of parent values
getNumStates    Determine the length of the vector returned
getBeliefs    For the beliefs of a nature node
getExpectedValue    Don't confuse it with this method, which gets the expected real value of a nature node

public double getExpectedValue (
 double[ ]  moments 
) throws NeticaException
Returns the expected real value of this node, based on the current beliefs for this node, and if moments is non-null, moments will be filled with the moments as well. moments[0] will be assigned the 1st moment ( the expected value, the same value that is returned by this method) and moments[1] will be assigned the 2nd moment (the standard deviation). Currently, only the first two moments are available, so if moments has more than two elements, the third onward are not set.

Returns UNDEF_DBL if the expected value couldn't be calculated.

This node must be continuous discretized, or must be discrete with a levels list defined to supply real values.

For continuous discretized nodes it assumes the belief for each state is distributed evenly over each discretized interval. Because of that, it can't handle infinite tails (returns UNDEF_DBL).

This method is not for expected utility; for that see getExpectedUtils.

double[]    moments    an array, which if non-null, will have up to its 0th and 1st elements set to the 1st and 2nd moments, respectively.


Versions 2.09 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeExpectedValue_bn.
See Also:
getBeliefs    Returns beliefs for each state individually
getExpectedUtils    For expected utility, rather than expected real value
finding().getReal()    Retrieves a specific real-valued finding instead

public double[ ] getExperTable (
 int[ ]  parentStates
 double[ ]  experTable 
) throws NeticaException
Given parentStates, a vector of states for the parents of this node, this returns the "experience" of the node for the situation described by the parent states.

If experTable is not null it will be used to hold the returned value, rather than allocate a new array, and it will be the array reference returned.

The experience is also known as the "number of cases", ess, or estimated sample size.

If no experience value has been assigned to this parent configuration (either by learning or setExperTable), then UNDEF_DBL is returned, without generating an error.

The order of the states in parentStates should match the order of the nodes in the list returned by getParents (this will be the same order that parents were added using addLink). mapStateList may be useful for that. parentStates can be null if this node has no parents.

int[]    parentStates    An array of state indexes (one per parent) with which to compute and return our experience value.
double[]    experTable    An array to be reused and filled with the experience values. May be null, in which case a new array will be allocated and returned. Otherwise, it should have at least one element. If it does not, then a new array will be allocated and returned.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeExperience_bn.
See Also:
setExperTable    Sets them
getCPTable    Get the corresponding probability vector
reviseCPTsByFindings    Increments experience
reviseCPTsByCaseFile    Experience will measure the number of cases with each parent configuration
mapStateList    To create the state list passed in

  //Here is a convenience method taking parentStates as a comma and/or space delimited string.
  public int[] getExperTable (String parentStatesStr) throws NeticaException {
      return getExperTable (parentStatesToIndexes (parentStatesStr), null);

public int getInputIndex (
 String  linkName 
) throws NeticaException
Returns the link index number of the link whose name is linkName, or -1 if there isn't one with that name (case sensitive comparison). This is the same index as would be used to find the parent of the link in the node list returned by getParents.

The value returned is particular to the node passed; another node may have a link with the same name, but a different link index.

String    linkName    The name of a parent node.


Versions 2.07 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetInputNamed_bn.
See Also:
getInputName    (inverse method) Returns the name of a link given its index

public String getInputName (
 int  inputIndex 
) throws NeticaException
Gets the name of this node's input (i.e., link) identified by the given index.

Returns a string which is the name for input number inputIndex of this node, or the empty string (rather than null) if the link does not have a name. Numbering for inputIndex starts at 0 and proceeds in the same order as parents returned by getParents.

If the name is present, you can count on it to be a legal IDname, which means that it is NAME_MAX (30) or fewer characters (not including terminating 0).

Input names are used to document what each link means, local to the node, which is especially important if the link is disconnected, or if its parents are continuously being switched. They are also useful as local parameters in equations, instead of using the names of parents' nodes, so the equation stays valid even if the parents change.

int    inputIndex    The index of the input Node whose link name we seek.


In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeInputName_bn.
See Also:
setInputName    Sets it
getParents    Gets the actual parents of the links
getInputIndex    (inverse method) Returns input index given the name

public int getKind ( ) throws NeticaException
Returns whether this node is a nature, decision, utility or constant node.

The value returned will be one of:
NATURE_NODE    Bayes nets are composed only of this type (and constant nodes).
This is a "chance" or "deterministic" node of an influence diagram.
DECISION_NODE    Indicates a variable that can be controlled.
This is a "decision" node of an influence diagram.
UTILITY_NODE    A variable to maximize the expected value of.
This is a "value" node of an influence diagram.
CONSTANT_NODE    A fixed parameter, useful as an equation constant.
When its value changes, equations should be reconverted to CPT tables, and maybe the net recompiled.
DISCONNECTED_NODE    The (virtual) parent node of a link which has been disconnected. See example code below.


In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeKind_bn.
See Also:
setKind    Sets it
isDeterministic    To distinguish between "chance" and "deterministic" nodes
getType    Indicates whether the node is for a discrete or continuous variable

The following method is available in
/** * Determines whether a link entering a node is disconnected. * @param linkIndex the index number of the link in question * @param node the node of interest * @returns true, iff the link is disconnected. */ static boolean isLinkDisconnected (int linkIndex, Node node) throws NeticaException { NodeList parents = node.getParents(); Node parent = (Node) parents.get (linkIndex); return (parent.getKind() == Node.DISCONNECTED_NODE); }

public double[] getLevels ( ) throws NeticaException
Returns the list of numbers used to enable a continuous node to act discrete, or enables a discrete node to provide real-valued numbers. Levels are used to discretize continuous nodes, or to map from discrete nodes to real numbers. See setLevels for a full description of the level numbers.

Returns null if this node does not have a levels list.

Since the usage of levels is a little different for each type of node, each is discussed separately:

this node is continuous: (getType would return DISCRETE_TYPE)

The length of the list returned is one more than the number of states of this node. The node is discretized into states, and the list returned has the thresholds (monotonically increasing or decreasing). Each range is from levels[state] to levels[state+1]., where levels is the list returned. Normally each interval includes its lower endpoint, but not its upper.

this node is discrete: (getType would return CONTINUOUS_TYPE)

The length of the list returned is the number of states of this node, with each element being the real number associated with the corresponding state.


In version 2.07 and later.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeLevels_bn.
See Also:
setLevels    Sets them
getNumStates    Length of the vector returned (plus one if this node continuous)

public Net getNet ( )
Returns the net that this node is part of. Every node is part of some net.

This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeNet_bn.
See Also:
getNodes    (inverse method) Get the list of nodes comprising a net
copyNodes    Copy nodes from one net to another
Net    Originally created the net

public int getNumStates ( ) throws NeticaException
Returns the number of states that this node can take on, or zero if this node is a continuous node that hasn't been discretized.

This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeNumberStates_bn.
See Also:
Node    Sets the number of states for a discrete node
setLevels    Sets the number and boundaries of discretization for a continuous node

See the examples for setCPTable.

public NodeList getParents ( ) throws NeticaException
Returns a list of the parents of this node. Those are the nodes with a link going to this node. If it has no parents then an empty list (rather than null) will be returned.

The order of the list is significant. Numbering each node in the list (starting from 0) provides a numbering for the links entering this node, which is used by some other methods.

If there are several links from the same parent to this node, then in the list returned that parent will be repeated once for each link.

To obtain the number of links entering this node, use the length of the returned list.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeParents_bn.
See Also:
getChildren    Gets a list of the children
java.util.Vector.length()    Use on returned list to find the number of parents
addLink    Add a parent
deleteLink    Remove a parent
switchParent    Switch one of the parents for a different one
getKind    To determine if a link is disconnected (returns DISCONNECTED_NODE)

public double[ ] getRealFuncTable (
 int[ ]  parentStates
 double[ ]  realTable 
) throws NeticaException
Gets the real value of this node as a function of its parent nodes. The value returned is in an array which currently has only one element.

If realTable is not null it will be used to hold the returned value, rather than allocate a new array, and it will be the array reference returned.

This is for deterministic nodes that are continuous or have been given real levels (e.g., by setLevels). Given a vector of states for the parents of this node, this returns the real value of this node (which is functionally determined by the parent values) by looking it up in the nodes function table. If the function table between this node and its parents has not yet been created, or if it is probabilistic (i.e., a CPT) rather than deterministic, this returns UNDEF_DBL, without generating an error.

If this node is discrete, with no real levels defined, an exception will be thrown (use getStateFuncTable instead).

The order of the states in parentStates should match the order of the nodes in the list returned by getParents (this will be the same order that parents were added using addLink). mapStateList may be useful for that. parentStates can be null if this node has no parents.

If the node has been given a deterministic equation with setEquation, you must call equationToTable before this can be used to retrieve values (if you needed to find values without generating the whole table you would enter findings for the parents, and use calcValue).

This method ignores any findings entered in the net.

int[]    parentStates    An array of state indexes (one per parent) with which to compute and return our real function value.
double[]    realTable    An array to be reused and filled with the real values. May be null, in which case a new array will be allocated and returned. Otherwise, it should have at least one element. If it does not, then a new array will be allocated and returned.


Versions 2.07 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeFuncReal_bn.
See Also:
setRealFuncTable    Sets them
getStateFuncTable    Same, but returns state integer instead of real value
isDeterministic    To check if this method is applicable
mapStateList    To create the state list passed in

  //Here is a convenience method taking parentStates as a comma and/or space delimited string.
  //It is from the class NodeEx which extends Node.
  public int[] getRealFuncTable (String parentStatesStr) throws NeticaException {
      return getRealFuncTable (parentStatesToIndexes (parentStatesStr), null);

public void getRelatedNodes (
 NodeList  relatedNodes
 String  relation 
) throws NeticaException
Finds all the Nodes that bear the relationship relation with this node and puts them in relatedNodes.

relation should be one of "parents", "children", "ancestors", "descendents", "connected", "markov_blanket", "d_connected", or the singular version of any of the above (which does the same thing - see isRelated for singular versions), or any of the above with various modifiers appended.

Modifiers may be appended (with comma seperators) in any order to the string containing the relation. The allowed modifiers are:
append    add to the list that is passed in (otherwise, that list is first emptied).
union    add to the list that is passed in and remove all duplicates.
intersection    reduce the passed-in list to only the nodes that are in both the original passed-in list and the relation.
subtract    take the nodes that are in the relation away from the passed-in list.
include_evidence_nodes    Note: only relevant for "markov_boundary" and "d_connected".
Without it the relation list will not contain any nodes with findings.
exclude_self    Note: only relevant for: "ancestors", "descendents", "connected", and "d_connected".
Without it the relation list will also include this node (it being generation 0).

Note: The definition of "ancestor", "descendent", "connected", and "d_connected" is such that a node is considered a level-0 "ancestor", "descendent", etc. of itself. Append "exclude_self" (e.g., "ancestor,exclude_self") if you only wish to start from level-1.

NodeList    relatedNodes    a list to append the results to
String    relation    the relationship to search for


Versions 3.05 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetRelatedNodes_bn.
See Also:
Net.getRelatedNodes    Same, but for all members of a NodeList
isRelated    Tests relationship of two nodes
getParents    Specialized form for 'parents'
getChildren    Specialized form for 'children'
Net.getNodes    Get all nodes in the net

  //Find all the descendants of a node, excluding the node itself.
  NodeList descendants = new NodeList (node.getNet());
  node.getRelatedNodes (descendants, "descendants,exclude_self" );

public int[ ] getStateFuncTable (
 int[ ]  parentStates
 int[ ]  stateTable 
) throws NeticaException
Gets the state value of this node as a function of its parent nodes. The value returned is in an array which currently has only one element.

If stateTable is not null it will be used to hold the returned value, rather than allocate a new array, and it will be the array reference returned.

This is for discrete or discretized nodes that are deterministic. Given a vector of states for the parents of this node, this returns the state of this node (which is functionally determined by the parent values) by looking it up in the nodes function tablse. If the function table between this node and its parents has not yet been created, or if it is probabilistic (i.e., a CPT) rather than deterministic, this returns UNDEF_STATE, without generating an error.

If this node is continuous, and not discretized, an exception will be thrown (use getRealFuncTable instead).

The order of the states in parentStates should match the order of the nodes in the list returned by getParents (this will be the same order that parents were added using addLink). mapStateList may be useful for that. parentStates can be null if this node has no parents.

If the node has been given a deterministic equation with setEquation, you must call equationToTable before this can be used to retrieve values (if you needed to find values without generating the whole table you would enter findings for the parents, and use calcState).

If this node is a decision node in a decision net which has been compiled, and belief propagation has been done by calling getExpectedUtils on this node, then this method can be used to read out the table of optimal decisions under the different scenarios indicated by parentStates.

If setCPTable was used to provide this node with conditional probabilities that were all 0 or 1, getStateFuncTable can be used to retrieve the deterministic state of this node as a function of its parents.

This method ignores any findings entered in the net.

int[]    parentStates    An array of state indexes (one per parent) with which to compute our function state.
int[]    stateTable    An array to be reused and filled with the state values. May be null, in which case a new array will be allocated and returned. Otherwise, it should have at least one element. If it does not, then a new array will be allocated and returned.


Versions 2.07 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeFuncState_bn.
See Also:
setStateFuncTable    Sets it
getRealFuncTable    Same, but returns real value instead of state integer
isDeterministic    To check if this method is applicable
getCPTable    For nondeterministic discrete nodes
mapStateList    To create the state list passed in

  //Here is a convenience method taking parentStates as a comma and/or space delimited string.
  //It is from the class NodeEx which extends Node.
  public int[] getStateFuncTable (String parentStatesStr) throws NeticaException {
      return getStateFuncTable (parentStatesToIndexes (parentStatesStr), null);

public int getType ( ) throws NeticaException
Returns DISCRETE_TYPE if the variable corresponding to this node is discrete (digital), and CONTINUOUS_TYPE if it is continuous (analog).

It should be emphasized that the value returned only concerns the underlying physical variable that this node represents, not how this node acts within the net. For example, continuous variables may be discretized by subdividing them into ranges, and discrete variables may provide real values in continuous settings. See setLevels for more information.

In order to determine whether a node may act discrete, call getNumStates, and if the returned value is greater than 0 then the node can act as a discrete node.

There is no API method to change the type of a node; this can only be set when the node is first created by new Node(). A continuous node may be discretized anytime, by using setLevels.

WARNING: This method may return other types in the future, so check the return value completely and act appropriately if it has an unexpected value.


In version 2.07 and later.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named GetNodeType_bn.
See Also:
getNumStates    To determine if a node can act discrete
setLevels    To discretize a continuous variable, so it may act discrete
Node    Originally sets the value that getType returns
isDeterministic    Return whether a node is deterministically related to its parents
getKind    Whether the node is a nature, decision, utility, constant, etc

public boolean hasTable (
 boolean[ ]  complete 
) throws NeticaException
Returns true if this node has a function table or a CPT table, otherwise false.

It ignores experience tables.

If complete is non-null and has length > 0, then it's first element is set to indicate whether this node has a complete table (i.e., none of the entries are undefined).

boolean[]    complete    array for retrieving whether this node has a complete table or not; leave null, if this information is not needed.


Versions 2.07 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named HasNodeTable_bn.
See Also:
setCPTable    Create a probabilistic table (CPT)
setStateFuncTable    Create a function table for a discrete node
setRealFuncTable    Create a function table for a continuous node
deleteTables    Remove all the tables of a node

public boolean isBeliefUpdated ( ) throws NeticaException
Whether the beliefs for this node have already been calculated (by belief propagation).

Returns true if belief updating (i.e., computing the posterior probability of node) has been done so that the beliefs at this node are consistent with the current state of the net and current findings entered into the net, otherwise it returns false.

The main use of this method is to determine if Netica will do belief propagation (which may be time consuming) the next time getBeliefs or getExpectedUtils is called with this node.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named IsBeliefUpdated_bn.
See Also:
getBeliefs    Updates the beliefs (if they aren't already)

public boolean isDeterministic ( ) throws NeticaException
Whether the value of this node, given its parents, is deterministic (versus probabilistic).

If this returns true then this node is a deterministic node, which means that: given values for its parents, its value is determined with certainty.

There is no API method to directly set whether a node is deterministic, but setting all its conditional probabilities (i.e., CPT entries) to 0 or 1 will make a node deterministic. Building its table just with setStateFuncTable or setRealFuncTable also will. Note that a node with a deterministic equation can result in a non-deterministic CPT, due to uncertainties introduced in the discretization process.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named IsNodeDeterministic_bn.
See Also:
hasTable    Determine if node has any table
setCPTable    To change whether a node is deterministic
getType    To determine if a node is for a discrete or continuous variable
getKind    To determine what kind of node it is

public boolean isInNodeset (
 String  nodeset 
) throws NeticaException
Returns whether this node is a member of nodeset.

Returns false if there is no node-set called nodeset in the net containing this node.

String    nodeset    A nodeset name.


Versions 3.22 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named IsNodeInNodeset_bn.
See Also:
addToNodeset    To add nodes
removeFromNodeset    To remove nodes
Net.getAllNodesets    Returns string listing all node-sets defined

public boolean isRelated (
 String  relation
 Node  otherNode 
) throws NeticaException
Tests whether this node bears the relationship relation with otherNode.

relation should be one of "parent", "child", "ancestor", "descendent", "connected", "markov_blanket", "d_connected". These can be interpreted as "is the parent of", "is the child of", "is an ancestor of", "is a descendant of", "is conntected to", "is in the markov blanket of", and "is d_connected to", respectively.

otherNode may refer to this node; this would be useful, for instance, for finding nodes that bear reflexive relationships.

String    relation    the relationship to test for
Node    otherNode    the potentially related node


Versions 3.05 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named IsNodeRelated_bn.
See Also:
getRelatedNodes    Finds all nodes bearing relationship
Net.getRelatedNodes    Same, but for all members in a nodelist
getParents    Finds all parents of a node
getChildren    Finds all children of a node
Net.getNodes    Get all nodes in the net

Example #1:
  //test if node1 is a parent of node2
  if (node1.isRelated ("parent", node2)) ...
Example #2:
  //test if node1 is in the markov blanket of node2
  if (node1.isRelated ("markov_blanket", node2)) ...

public int[ ] parentStatesToIndexes (
 String  parentStateNamesStr 
) throws NeticaException
Utility to convert a comma and/or space delimited string of parent state names for this node to an array of state indexes. An asterisk ('*') in place of any state name will be replaced by the index value of EVERY_STATE.

parentStateNamesStr should have only as many state-name entries as there are parents of this node. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown.

String    parentStateNamesStr    A comma and/or space delimited string of parent state names.


This method is available in all versions.

public void removeFromNodeset (
 String  nodeset 
) throws NeticaException
Removes this node from the node-set named nodeset.

It is okay if this node isn't in nodeset when this is called (then no action is taken).

String    nodeset    A nodeset name.


Versions 3.22 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named RemoveNodeFromNodeset_bn.
See Also:
addToNodeset    (inverse operation) To add the nodes
isInNodeset    Determines if a node is in a node-set
Net.reorderNodesets    To change the priority order of a net's node-sets
Net.getAllNodesets    Returns string listing all node-sets defined

public void reorderStates (
 int[ ]  newOrder 
) throws NeticaException
Rearranges the order of the states so that state i is moved to position newOrder[i]. The length of newOrder must be the number of states of this node, all its entries must be between 0 and numstates-1, and it must not contain any duplicates.

All relevant parts of this node will be modified to reflect the change. State names, titles, and comments will be moved, and the tables (CPT, experience, and function) will be adusted.

This function is for discrete nodes only. It is not for continuous nodes, even if they have been discretized.

int[]    newOrder    An array of state indices, representing the new arrangement of states.
It must contain all of the indices from 0 to numstates-1.


Since version 3.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named ReorderNodeStates_bn.
See Also:
addStates    Adds one or more new states
State.delete    Removes a single state
getNumStates    newOrder must have this many elements
State.getIndex    Retrieve the new indexes of the states

public void reverseLink (
 Node  parentNode 
) throws NeticaException
Reverses the link from parentNode to this child node, so that instead it goes from this node to parentNode.

This is a special method which maintains the joint probability represented by the net, which means any subsequent inference will yield the same results. To do so, Netica may have to add or remove links which go to parentNode from the parents of this node, or which go to this node from the parents of parentNode. If this is not desired then use deleteLink, followed by an addLink in the reverse direction. That will change the overall joint probability, and even change the independence information represented by the net.

If links are added, the CPT tables may become very large, possibly resulting in slow behavior or an out-of-memory condition.

If it is not possible to do the reversal, an exception will be thrown, and the net will not be changed. Reasons it might not be possible include: reversing the link would create a directed cycle, the child or parent node is not a nature node, the link is a time-delay link, the link is disconnected, or the child node has some other disconnected link.

Node    parentNode    The parent whose link to us will be reversed.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named ReverseLink_bn.
See Also:
getParents    See what links Netica has added or removed
deleteLink    Followed by addLink the other way, will result in a reversed link and a net with different independence information
deleteTables    Avoid overly large CPT tables caused by the reversal
absorbNodes    Removes nodes, also maintaining the overall joint probability
setMemoryUsageLimit    In case this method is consuming too much memory

public static void setConstructorClass (
 String  nodeClassNm 
) throws NeticaException
Sets the classname that Netica-J will use to independently construct Nodes.

If Netica-J has to construct a Node as a part of some operation (where you don't explicitly call a constructor), this is the class it will use. For example, this determines the type of Nodes returned by Net.getNode.

If you would like Netica to use a class other than norsys.netica.Node, say a class of your own that extends norsys.netica.Node, then use this method to tell Netica which class to use. The class must be available on the CLASSPATH, must extend norsys.netica.Node, and must have a default (parameterless) constructor; otherwise a NeticaException will be thrown.

String    nodeClassNm    The name of a class, available on the CLASSPATH, that is an instance or extension of norsys.netica.Node


This method is available in all versions.
See Also:
getConstructorClass    Retrieve the name of the current Class used for this purpose
Net.setConstructorClass    Same for Nets

where ../com/myCompany/myProject/ looks like:
/* * * * Example of how to extend norsys.netica.Node. */ package com.myCompany.myProject; import norsys.netica.*; public class MyNode extends Node { int i = 0; // your fields //------------------------------------------------------------ constructors public MyNode (String name, int num_states, Net parentNet) throws NeticaException { super (name, num_states, parentNet); i = 1; } public MyNode (String name, String stateNames, Net parentNet) throws NeticaException { super (name, stateNames, parentNet); i = 2; } public MyNode() throws NeticaException { super (); } }

public void setCPTable (
 int[ ]  parentStates
 float[ ]  cpTable 
) throws NeticaException
Sets the probabilities for each state of this node, conditioned on its parent nodes.

The purpose of this method is to build the conditional probability table (CPT) of this node, which provides a probability distribution over the states of this node for each possible configuration of parent states (i.e., parent condition). Each call sets the conditional probabilities of this node for the situation where its parents have the states indicated by the vector parentStates. The length of parentStates must be the number of parents of this node, and each of its entries provides a state for the corresponding parent. The length of the cpTable array must be the number of states of this node, and consist of the conditional probabilities:

  P (this node = state0 | parents take on parentStates)

  P (this node = state1 | parents take on parentStates)


  P (this node = stateN | parents take on parentStates)

The order of the states in parentStates should match the order of the nodes in the list returned by getParents (this will be the same order that parents were added using addLink). mapStateList may be useful for that. parentStates can be null if this node has no parents.

If any entry of parentStates is EVERY_STATE then it applies to all possible values of the corresponding parent. More than one entry of parentStates may be EVERY_STATE, in which case all the probabilities of their cartesian product will be set to cpTable, as you would expect (e.g., see the makeProbsUniform example below).

If this node has many parents (i.e., the product of their number of states is large) then the probability table will be large, and your system may run out of memory, in which case an exception will be thrown.

After changing a node's probabilities, its net must be (re)compiled before calling getBeliefs on any node in the net (although a full recompile isn't necessary, so it will proceed very quickly).

int[]    parentStates    The indexes of the parent states.
float[]    cpTable    The probabilities in the same order as our states.


This method is available in all versions.
In versions 1.33 and earlier, " EVERY_STATE" was called "WILDCARD_STATE".
In the C Version of the API, this function is named SetNodeProbs_bn.
See Also:
getCPTable    Retrieve values
setStateFuncTable    Build the table for a deterministic node
setExperTable    Associate a degree of experience with the probabilities
reviseCPTsByFindings    Revise the probabilities using the case currently entered
reviseCPTsByCaseFile    Revise the probabilities using a file of cases
fadeCPTable    Adjust the probabilities for a changing world
mapStateList    To create the state list passed in

Example #1:
  Suppose you have a node with 4 states and it has two parents.  
  Parent1 has 2 states (say 'true' and 'false').
  Parent2 has 3 states (say 'red', 'green', and 'blue'). 
  You want to assign the following CPTable to node:
                        |  Probabilities that node is in 
      parent1  parent2  |  state1  state2  state3  state4  
      -------  ------   |  ------  ------  ------  ------
      true     red      |  0.0     0.8     0.2     0.0
      true     green    |  0.1     0.7     0.2     0.0
      true     blue     |  0.1     0.1     0.1     0.7
      false    red      |  0.0     0.0     0.0     1.0
      false    green    |  0.0     0.0     0.2     0.8
      false    blue     |  1.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
    Then this is how you might proceed:
    //setting row1 of the CPTable, for parent1=true, parent2=red
    int[] parentStates = int[2];
    parentStates[0] = 0;
    parentStates[1] = 0;
    float[] probsRow1 = {0.0F, 0.8F, 0.2F, 0.0F};
    node.setCPTable (parentStates, probsRow1);
    //setting row2 of the CPTable, for parent1=true, parent2=green
    parentStates[0] = 0;
    parentStates[1] = 1;
    float[] probsRow2 = {0.1F, 0.7F, 0.2F, 0.0F};
    node.setCPTable (parentStates, probsRow2);
    //setting row3 of the CPTable, for parent1=true, parent2=blue
    parentStates[0] = 0;
    parentStates[1] = 2;
    float[] probsRow3 = {0.1F, 0.1F, 0.1F, 0.7F};
    node.setCPTable (parentStates, probsRow3);
    //setting row4 of the CPTable, for parent1=false, parent2=red
    parentStates[0] = 1;
    parentStates[1] = 0;
    float[] probsRow4 = {0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F};
    node.setCPTable (parentStates, probsRow4);
    ... and so on, for the remaining two rows ...
Example #2:
The following method is available in
/** * Gives the passed node a uniform conditional probability distribution * (i.e., all the probabilities the same). * @param node the node to modify */ static void makeProbsUniform (Node node) throws NeticaException { int numStates = node.getNumStates(); int numParents = node.getParents().size(); float[] uniform = new float[numStates]; int[] pstates = new int[numParents]; for (int st = 0; st < numStates; ++st) uniform[st] = 1.0F / numStates; for (int pn = 0; pn < numParents; ++pn) pstates[pn] = Node.EVERY_STATE; node.setCPTable (pstates, uniform); }
Example #3:
The following method is available in
/** * Sets all the conditional probabilities of a given node based on a 2-D array of probabilities. * You could use this function in combination with getNodeAllProbs (see getCPTable * to temporarily save probability tables. * The 1st dimension of the array passed must be the size of cartesian product * of the states of each parent of node, and must be in "odometer order". * See NodeListEx.nextStates() for an explanation of the odometer order of * all possible parent states. * * @param node is the node whose CPT we are setting * @param probs is an array of probabilities, the first dimension being of size equal to * the size of cartesian product of the states of each parent of node. * The second dimension is the number of states of node. * i.e., float[][] probs = * new float[(int)NodeListEx.sizeCartesianProduct (node.getParents()] * [node.getNumStates()]; */ static void setNodeAllProbs (Node node, float[][] probs) throws NeticaException { NodeList parents = node.getParents(); int[] parentStates = new int[parents.size()]; //all initially zero int probSet = 0; while (true){ node.setCPTable (parentStates, probs[probSet++]); if (NodeListEx.nextStates (parentStates, parents)) break; } }

public void setCPTable (
 String  parentStateNames
 float[ ]  cpTable 
) throws NeticaException
This does the same as setCPTable(int[], float[]) except that it takes the parent states as a string rather than as an integer array. For additional documentation, see setCPTable(int[], float[]).

String    parentStateNames    A comma and/or space delimited set of parent states, one for each parent.
float[]    cpTable    The probabilities in the same order as our states.

This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named SetNodeProbs_bn.
See Also:
getCPTable    Retrieves values

public void setCPTable (
 float[ ]  cpTable 
) throws NeticaException
Sets the entire CPTable of this node in one call.

probs is a 1-D array representation of the entire CPTable. See the example below for how to arrange the probabilities. Basically, the rule is that you vary the largest indexed parent's states most rapidly, then the second largest indexed parent's states, and so on. This is the same arrangement as is returned by the inverse method getCPTable.

float[]    probs    The entire CPTable as a 1-D array.


Versions 3 and later have this method.
See Also:
getCPTable    Retrieves it
getCPTable    Set values of CPTable one row at a time
getCPTable    Retrieves values

  Suppose you have a node with 4 states and it has two parents.  
  Parent1 has 2 states (say 'true' and 'false').
  Parent2 has 3 states (say 'red', 'green', and 'blue'). 
  You want to assign the following CPTable to node:
                        |  Probabilities that node is in 
      parent1  parent2  |  state1  state2  state3  state4  
      -------  ------   |  ------  ------  ------  ------
      true     red      |  0.0     0.8     0.2     0.0
      true     green    |  0.1     0.7     0.2     0.0
      true     blue     |  0.1     0.1     0.1     0.7
      false    red      |  0.0     0.0     0.0     1.0
      false    green    |  0.0     0.0     0.2     0.8
      false    blue     |  1.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
    Then this is how you might proceed, using this method
    float[] probs = {0.0F, 0.8F, 0.2F, 0.0F,
                     0.1F, 0.7F, 0.2F, 0.0F,
                     0.1F, 0.1F, 0.1F, 0.7F,
                     0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F,
                     0.0F, 0.0F, 0.2F, 0.8F,
                     1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F};
    node.setCPTable (probs);

public void setEquation (
 String  eqn 
) throws NeticaException
Sets the equation giving the probability of this node conditioned on its parent nodes, or the value of this node as a function of its parents.

The equation can be deterministic, so that it specifies a value for this node, given values for its parents (i.e., it expresses this node as a function of its parents). Or, it can be probabilistic, so that it provides a probability for each of this node's values (i.e., a probability distribution), as a function of its parents.

For information on Netica equations, see the "Equation" chapter of Netica Application's onscreen help.

WARNING: Setting a node's equation does not modify its CPT table (which is what is used for inference in a compiled net). To modify the CPT table so that it reflects the new equation, use equationToTable.

To remove a node's equation, pass null or the empty string for eqn.

There is no restriction on the length or complexity of the equation.

String    eqn    The equation string to be assigned.


Versions 1.30 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named SetNodeEquation_bn.
See Also:
getEquation    Retrieves value
equationToTable    Required to convert the equation to a CPT table for inference

public void setExperTable (
 int[ ]  parentStates
 double  experience 
) throws NeticaException
Sets the experience of this node as a function of its parent nodes.

This is to associate a degree of experience with each belief vector of this node's conditional probability table. It sets the amount of experience for the condition described by parentStates (which provides a value for each parent) to experience.

The order of the states in parentStates should match the order of the nodes in the list returned by getParents (this will be the same order that parents were added using addLink). mapStateList may be useful for that. parentStates can be null if this node has no parents.

If any entry of parentStates is EVERY_STATE then it applies to all possible values of the corresponding parent (see setCPTable).

int[]    parentStates    An array of state indexes (one per parent).
double    experience    The experience value to be assigned to this node when the parents are in the given states.


This method is available in all versions.
In versions 1.33 and earlier, " EVERY_STATE" was called "WILDCARD_STATE".
In the C Version of the API, this function is named SetNodeExperience_bn.
See Also:
getExperTable    Retrieves values
reviseCPTsByFindings    Increments experience
reviseCPTsByCaseFile    Sets experience to measure the number of relevant cases
fadeCPTable    Decreases experience, and smoothes the probabilities
setCPTable    Sets corresponding CPT table entry
setExperTable(double)    Sets the entire experience table to a uniform value
mapStateList    To create the state list passed in

  //Here is a convenience method taking parentStates as a comma and/or space delimited string.
  //It is from the class NodeEx which extends Node.
  public void setExperTable (String parentStatesStr, double experience) throws NeticaException {
      setExperTable (parentStatesToIndexes (parentStatesStr), experience);

public void setExperTable (
 double  experience 
) throws NeticaException
Sets the experience of this node as a function of its parent nodes.

This is a convenience method that sets every entry of the experience table to a single value. It is equivalent to calling setExperTable(int[], double) where the int[] has all of its elements set to State.EVERY_STATE.

double    experience    The experience value to be assigned to all the entries in the experience table.


Since version 3.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named SetNodeExperience_bn.
See Also:
setExperTable(int[], double)    Sets value for part of the experience table
getExperTable    Retrieves values
reviseCPTsByFindings    Increments experience
reviseCPTsByCaseFile    Sets experience to measure the number of relevant cases
fadeCPTable    Decreases experience, and smoothes the probabilities
setCPTable    Sets corresponding CPT table entry

public void setInputName (
 int  inputIndex
 String  inputName 
) throws NeticaException
Sets the name of this node's input (i.e., link).

Names the link entering this node from its inputIndexth parent to be inputName.

inputIndex corresponds to the ordering of the parents obtained by getParents (with the first parent having inputIndex = 0). The reason that an index number is passed instead of the actual parent, is because the link may not have a parent node (i.e., it is "disconnected"), or there may be more than 1 link from the same parent to this node.

inputName must be a legal IDname, which means it must have NAME_MAX (30) or fewer characters, all of which are letters, digits or underscores, and it must start with a letter.

To remove the name of a link, pass null (not the empty string) for inputName.

inputName must be different from the name of any other links entering this node (by case-sensitive comparison, and must be different from the names of any parents of this node which are connected to this node by an unnamed link.

Input names are used to document what each link means, local to the node, which is especially important if the link is disconnected, or if its parents are continuously being switched. They are also useful as local parameters in equations, instead of using the names of parent nodes, so the equation stays valid even if the parents change.

When links are first created, they are unnamed, and remain so until this method is called, or until they are disconnected from the parent node (in which case they take on the name of the parent). It is possible to name some of the links entering a node, and leave the rest unnamed. All disconnected links are named.

int    inputIndex    The index of the desired input Node.
String    inputName    The the desired new name to assign this input link.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named SetNodeInputName_bn.
See Also:
getInputName    Retrieves value
getInputIndex    Retrieves the index given the name
getParents    Gets the actual parents of the links (e.g., to find their names or determine their numbering)
switchParent    Connects the "input" to a parent node

public void setKind (
 int  kind 
) throws NeticaException
Sets whether this node is a nature, decision, utility or constant node.

kind must be one of:
NATURE_NODE    Bayes nets are composed only of this type (and constant nodes)
This is a "chance" or "deterministic" node of an influence diagram
DECISION_NODE    Indicates a variable that can be controlled
This is a "decision" node of an influence diagram
UTILITY_NODE    A variable to maximize the expected value of
This is a "value" node of an influence diagram
CONSTANT_NODE    A fixed parameter, useful as an equation constant
When its value changes, equations should be reconverted to CPT tables, and maybe the net recompiled
Nodes of one kind can usually be transformed to another at any time, but certain transformations are not allowed. Calling setKind with a disallowed transformation will result in no changes, and a suitable error report will be generated. An example of a disallowed transformation is a non-deterministic node being transformed into a utility node.

You cannot use setKind to change a node to kind DISCONNECTED_NODE. Nodes of that kind are created automatically when switchParent is called with null for the new parent.

int    kind    The new kind.


In versions 1.09 and earlier, CONSTANT_NODE was called ASSUME_NODE.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named SetNodeKind_bn.
See Also:
getKind    Retrieves value
Node    Sets whether node is for a discrete or continuous variable
switchParent    To change a node to kind DISCONNECTED_NODE

public void setLevels (
 double[ ]  levels 
) throws NeticaException
Sets the levels list of this node to levels.

The levels list is a list of real numbers used by Netica to translate from a real value of a continuous node to a discrete state, or from a state of a discrete node to a real value. That way a continuous node can act discrete (called "discretization"), or a discrete node can provide real-valued numbers.

If the underlying variable is continuous, we may want to discretize it for some operations. For example, we may divide all possible masses of some object into 3 ranges: 0 to 0.1 kg, 0.1 to 10 kg, and greater than 10 kg. For that we would use the levels list: [0, 0.1, 10, INFINITY].

Conversely, if it is discrete, we may want a mapping from its state (represented as an integer), to a measurable value. For example, a drill may have 3 speeds (2.5 rps, 5 rps and 10 rps) as well as off. We could use a 4-state discrete node to represent the drill speed, with the levels list [0, 2.5, 5, 10]. Or milk may be available in containers of size 0.375, l, and 2 liters.

Since the usage of levels is a little different for each type of node, each is discussed separately:

this node is continuous: (getType would return CONTINUOUS_TYPE)

levels must contain numStates + 1 entries, and must monotonically ascend or descend (it is okay to have adjacent entries equal to create point-valued "ranges").

The first and last entries of the levels list provide a bound on the lowest and highest values the node can take on, but they may be INFINITY or - INFINITY.

Once this node has been given the levels list, Netica can translate a continuous value val for the node to a discrete state st, by choosing st so that:

    levels [st] <= val < levels [st + 1] (if levels ascends) or
    levels [st] > val >= levels [st + 1] (if levels descend)
A discrete state st can also be translated to the range:
    [levels[st], levels[st + 1]) (if levels ascends) or
    [levels[st + 1], levels[st]) (if levels descend)

this node is discrete: (getType would return DISCRETE_TYPE)

There must be one entry in levels for each state of this node. The value passed for numStates must be the number of states of the node (i.e., the value returned by getNumStates). There is no constraint on the ordering of levels.

Once this node has been given the levels list, Netica can convert a discrete state st to a real-valued number val, using:

  val = levels [st]

A real-number value val can also be translated to a discrete state st by choosing st so that: val = levels [st]. If there is no such st, then a legal translation cannot be made, but sometimes you can request Netica to approximate by choosing st so that:

  | val - levels [st] | is minimized.

double[]    levels    The new levels to be assigned to all this node's states.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named SetNodeLevels_bn.
See Also:
getLevels    Retrieves values
Node    Must be called with numStates = 0 to make continuous node
EnterNodeValue    Uses discretization to convert to state finding
equationToTable    Uses discretization to handle continuous values in the table
getExpectedValue    Uses discretization or real values to calculate mean and standard deviation

Example #1:
  // Here we make a continuous node and then discretize it into 3 states.
  Node node = new Node ("n1", 0, net);       // must pass 0 for num_states to create a node 
                                                for a continuous variable
  double[] levels = new double[4];           // 1 more than the number of desired states
  levels[0] =  0.0;                          // the first range is 0 to 0.1
  levels[1] =  0.1;
  levels[2] = 10.0;
  levels[3] = Environ.INFINITY;
  node.setLevels(levels);                    // discretizes to 3 states
  node.setStateNames("low, medium, high");   // naming the states is optional
Example #2:
  // Here we make a 3-state discrete node and then give it
  // levels to provide real values to its children.
  Node node = new Node ("voltSwitch", 3, net);  // discrete, with 3 states
  double[] levels = new double[3];         // 1 element for each state
  levels[0] =  0.0;
  levels[1] = -3.5;                        // state 1 gives -3.5
  levels[2] =  5.5;
  node.setLevels(levels);                  // set the levels
  node.setStateNames("off, reverse, forward");   // naming the states is optional

public void setRealFuncTable (
 int[ ]  parentStates
 double  funcValue 
) throws NeticaException
Sets the real value of this (continuous) deterministic node as a function of its parent nodes.

This is for deterministic nodes that are continuous or have been given real levels (e.g., by setLevels). Deterministic nodes can be expressed as a function of their parent nodes, and that function can be in the form of a table. The purpose of setRealFuncTable is to build that table. It adds an entry to the table by telling Netica that when each parent has the state indicated in the vector parentStates, the value of this node is funcValue.

The order of the states in parentStates should match the order of the nodes in the list returned by getParents (this will be the same order that parents were added using addLink). mapStateList may be useful for that. parentStates can be null if this node has no parents.

If any entry of parentStates is EVERY_STATE then it applies to all possible values of the corresponding parent (see setCPTable).

If node has many parents (i.e., the product of their number of states is large) then the function table will be large, and your system may run out of memory.

int[]    parentStates    An array of state indexes (one per parent).
double    funcValue    The value to be assigned to this node when the parents are in the given states.


Versions 2.07 and later have this method.
In versions 1.33 and earlier, " EVERY_STATE" was called "WILDCARD_STATE".
In the C Version of the API, this function is named SetNodeFuncReal_bn.
See Also:
getRealFuncTable    Retrieves values
setStateFuncTable    Same, but builds state integer tables instead of real-valued tables
setCPTable    To use instead if this node isn't deterministic
mapStateList    To create the state list passed in

Example #1:
   *  For continuous nodes that are a deterministic function of their
   *  parents' states, this method can be used to set the function table in one
   *  call, rather than repeatedly calling setRealFuncTable().
   *  The array passed must be the size of cartesian product of the states of each 
   *  parent of node. It contains the values of this node when the parents are 
   *  in the corresponding index'th odometer configuration.  
   *  See NodeListEx.nextStates() for an explanation of  the odometer order 
   *  of all possible parent states. 
   *  The following line is useful for declaring value[]:
   *  double[] value = new double[ NodeListEx.sizeCartesianProduct (node.getParents()) ];
   *  This method is in
   *  @param node      the node of interest
   *  @param value     the array of values of this node, one entry per permutation
   *                   of parent states in "odometer order".
  static void setNodeFuncReal (Node node, double[] value){
      NodeList parents = node.getParents();
      int[] parentStates = new int[parents.size()]; //all initially zero
      int probSet = 0;
      while (true){
          node.setRealFuncTable(parentStates, value[probSet++]);
          if (NodeListEx.nextStates (parentStates, parents))  break;
Example #2:
The following method is available in which extends
//Here is a convenience method taking parentStates as a comma and/or space delimited string. public void setRealFuncTable (String parentStatesStr, double funcValue) throws NeticaException { setRealFuncTable (parentStatesToIndexes (parentStatesStr), funcValue); }

public void setStateFuncTable (
 int[ ]  parentStates
 int  funcState 
) throws NeticaException
Sets the state value of this (discrete or discretized) deterministic node as a function of its parent nodes.

For deterministic nodes that are discrete or discretized. Deterministic nodes can be expressed as a function of their parent nodes, and that function can be in the form of a table. The purpose of setStateFuncTable is to build that table. It adds an entry to the table by telling Netica that when each parent has the state indicated in the vector parentStates, the state of this node is funcState.

The order of the states in parentStates should match the order of the nodes in the list returned by getParents (this will be the same order that parents were added using addLink). mapStateList may be useful for that. parentStates can be null if this node has no parents.

If any entry of parentStates is EVERY_STATE then it applies to all possible values of the corresponding parent (see setCPTable).

If this node has many parents (i.e., the product of their number of states is large) then the function table will be large, and your system may run out of memory.

int[]    parentStates    An array of state indexes (one per parent).
int    funcState    The state value to be assigned to this node when the parents are in the given states.


Versions 2.07 and later have this method.
In versions 1.33 and earlier, " EVERY_STATE" was called "WILDCARD_STATE".
In the C Version of the API, this function is named SetNodeFuncState_bn.
See Also:
getStateFuncTable    Retrieves values
setRealFuncTable    Same, but builds real-valued tables instead of discrete tables
setCPTable    To use instead if this node isn't deterministic

Example #1:
   * For discrete or discretized nodes that are a deterministic function of their
   * parents' states, this method can be used to set the function table in one
   * call, rather than repeatedly calling setStateFuncTable().
   * The array passed must be the size of cartesian product of the states of each 
   * parent of node. It contains state indices of this state, each entry representing
   * the state that this node is in when the parents are in the corresponding index'th
   * odometer configuration.  See NodeListEx.nextStates() for an explanation of 
   * the odometer order of all possible parent states. 
   * The following line is useful for declaring value[]:
   * int[] value = new int[ NodeListEx.sizeCartesianProduct (node.getParents()) ];
   * This method is in
   * @param node      the node of interest
   * @param value     the array of states of this node, one entry per permutation
   *                  of parent states in "odometer order".
  static void setNodeFuncState (Node node, int[] value){
      NodeList parents = node.getParents();
      int[] parentStates = new int[parents.size()]; //all initially zero
      int probSet = 0;
      while (true){
          node.setStateFuncTable(parentStates, value[probSet++]);
          if (NodeListEx.nextStates (parentStates, parents))  break;
Example #2:
  // This doesn't use setStateFuncTable, but it is useful for setting
  // parentStates.
The following method is defined in
/** * This cycles through all possible configurations (i.e., elements of the cartesian * product) of states, odometer style, with the last state changing fastest. * states is a list of node states, one for each node of nodeList. * It returns 'true' when all the configurations have been examined (i.e., when it * "rolls over" to all zeros again). * Don't forget to initialize states before calling it the first time (usually * to all zeros). * @param states A set of state indices, one per node in nodeList, and in the same * order as the nodes in nodeList. * @param nodeList A set of nodes, whose states are to be cycled through. */ public static boolean nextStates (int[] states, NodeList nodeList) throws NeticaException { int n; for (n = nodeList.size() - 1; n >= 0; n--){ Node node = (Node) nodeList.get(n); if (++states[n] < node.getNumStates()) return false; states[n] = 0; } return true; }
Example #3:
  //Here is a convenience method taking parentStates as a comma and/or space delimited string.
  public void setStateFuncTable (String parentStatesStr, int funcState) throws NeticaException {
      setStateFuncTable (parentStatesToIndexes (parentStatesStr), funcState);

public void setStateNames (
 String  names 
) throws NeticaException
Names the states of this node using the list of names names.

The names must be separated by commas and/or whitespace (i.e., spaces, tabs or newlines). It is okay if there is an extra separator at the end. The number of names must be the number that would be returned by getNumStates.

Each name must be a legal IDname, which means it must have NAME_MAX (30) or fewer characters, all of which are letters, digits or underscores, and it must start with a letter. No two states of a node may have the same name. To avoid these restrictions, you can give the states titles instead; see State.setTitle.

It is not required that a node's states be named. If you pass null (not the empty string) for names, it will remove all the state names for this node.

Discretized continuous nodes may have their states named, as well as regular discrete nodes.

String    names    A comma and/or space delimited set of state names, in index order.


Versions 2.10 and later have this method.
See Also:
State.setName    Sets name of one state at a time
State.getName    Retrieves a single state name
State.setTitle    Doesn't have the restrictions of a name
Node(String, int, Net)    Constructor sets the number of states to start with
Node(String, String, Net)    Constructor sets the state names as well

  // Here is how you might make a new node with the 2 states
  // "true" and "false".
  Node node = New Node ("n1", 2, net);  // make new node with 2 states
  node.setStateNames ("true, false");
  // Of course, you could do this more easily with the Node constructor
  // that sets the state names at construction time
  Node node = New Node ("n1", "true, false", net);

public State state (
 int  stateIndex 
) throws NeticaException
Returns a state of this node. Throws an exception if this node is a continuous node that hasn't been discretized (see setLevels for how to discretize a continuous node), or if this node does not have a state with an index of stateIndex.

int    stateIndex    the index of the state desired

This method is available in all versions.
See Also:
state(String)    Identical method, only uses stateName
setLevels    To discretize a continuous variable, so it may act discrete


public State state (
 String  stateName 
) throws NeticaException
Returns a state of this node. Throws an exception if this node is for a continuous variable and the node has not been discretized (see setLevels), or if this node does not have a state named stateName.

String    stateName    the name of the state desired

This method is available in all versions.
See Also:
state(int)    Identical method, only uses stateIndex

  node.state("Heads").setTitle("Coin lands with face up");

public void switchParent (
 int  linkIndex
 Node  newParent 
) throws NeticaException
Switches the parent of the identified link with newParent.

Makes node newParent a parent of this node by replacing the existing parent at the linkIndexth position, without modifying this node's equation, or any of this node's tables (such as CPT table or function table).

The new parent must be compatible with the old (e.g., same number of states), or an explanatory exception will be thrown, and no action taken.

null can be passed for newParent, in which case the corresponding link will not be removed, but will become disconnected. If that link was not already named, then its name will become the name of the parent it was disconnected from. To determine whether a link is disconnected, see getKind.

If the link was disconnected, this method may be used to re-connect it, by passing non-null for newParent.

The parents of this node are numbered from 0 to one less than the number of parents, and the ordering can be obtained using getParents. Sometimes it is more useful to be able to pass a parent node instead of linkIndex, if you know there is exactly one link from the parent node to child. This can be accomplished with the SwitchNodeParent example below.

int    linkIndex    The index of the parent Link we want to change.
Node    newParent    The new node to be assigned to that link index.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named SwitchNodeParent_bn.
See Also:
getParents    Can be used to determine a suitable value for linkIndex
addLink    Adds a link between two nodes
deleteLink    Removes a link between two nodes
getKind    To determine if a link is disconnected (returns DISCONNECTED_NODE)

  // Switches the link from parent -> child to go from new_parent -> child.
  // Assumes there is already exactly one link from parent to child.
  static void switchNodeParent (Node parent, Node child, Node newParent) throws NeticaException {
      NodeList parents = child.getParents();
      int linkIndex = parents.indexOf (parent);
      child.switchParent (linkIndex, newParent);

public VisualNode visual ( ) throws NeticaException
Return the VisualNode object which can be used to control the visual display of this node in Netica Application.

Versions 2.12 and later have this method.
  node.visual().setPosition (200.0, 100.0);
  node.visual().setStyle ("belief_bars");

public void setInputDelay (
 int  linkIndex
 int  dimension
 String  delay 
) throws NeticaException
Sets the "time" delay for a link of this dynamic Bayes net (DBN) to delay.

delay is the length of delay as a string. In many applications it will just be the string "1", but it can be another number, such as "0.25", or the name of a constant node, such as "dt", whose current value will be used.

The link is given by this node, linkIndex in the same way as it is for setInputName. linkIndex corresponds to the ordering of the parents obtained by getParents (with the first parent having input_index = 0). The reason that an index number is passed instead of the actual parent, is because the link may not have a parent node (i.e., it is "disconnected"), or there may be more than 1 link from the same parent to this node. You can find it with: IndexOfNodeInList (parent, getParents (child)).

dimension must be 0 with this version of Netica.

int    linkIndex    a parent index, the first parent having index = 0.
int    dimension    Must be 0 with this version of Netica.
String    delay    the length of delay.


Versions 5.02 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named SetNodeInputDelay_bn.
See Also:
getInputIndex    Retrieves the index given the name (can be useful to find link_index)
setInputName    The name of the same link
getParents    With IndexOfNodeInList_bn can be useful to find link_index
setPersistance    Sets the length of time that one node in the expanded net represents
expandTimeSeries    Expand the net once all delays are set

public void setPersistance (
 int  dimension
 String  persistance 
) throws NeticaException
Sets the time persistance for a node of a dynamic Bayes net (DBN), which is the maximum time it should hold its value before taking on a new one.

persistance is expressed as a string. In many applications it will just be the string "1", but it can be another number, such as "0.25", or the name of a constant node, such as "period", whose current value will be used.

dimension must be 0 with this version of Netica.

It is usually better to first try not setting any node persistances, but rather just link delays, using setInputDelay. After expanding the net with expandTimeSeries, if some nodes are not being given new values at a fast enough rate (i.e., they do not appear often enough in the time expansion), giving them a persistance of the desired period time will help. Note that nodes will be repeated at a rate high enough to satisfy both link delays and node persistances, which may mean faster repititions (i.e. shorter periods) than either of these explicitly call for by themselves.

int    dimension    Must be 0 with this version of Netica.
String    persistance    the length of time that one node in the expanded net represents.


Versions 5.04 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named SetNodePersistance_bn.
See Also:
setInputDelay    Another factor controling how often nodes are repeated in expanded net
expandTimeSeries    Expand the net once all persistances are set

public void enterFinding (
 int  stateIndex 
) throws NeticaException
Deprecated. use finding().enterState (stateIndex) instead.

public void enterFinding (
 String  stateName 
) throws NeticaException
Deprecated. use finding().enterState (stateName) instead.

public void enterFindingNot (
 int  stateIndex 
) throws NeticaException
Deprecated. use finding().enterStateNot (stateIndex) instead.

public void enterValue (
 double  value 
) throws NeticaException
Deprecated. use finding().enterReal (value) instead.

public void enterLikelihood (
 float[ ]  likelihood 
) throws NeticaException
Deprecated. use finding().enterLikelihood (likelihood) instead.

public int getFinding ( ) throws NeticaException
Deprecated. use finding().getState() instead.

public float[] getLikelihood ( ) throws NeticaException
Deprecated. use finding().getLikelihood(null) instead.

public double getValueEntered ( ) throws NeticaException
Deprecated. use finding().getReal() instead.

public void retractFindings ( ) throws NeticaException
Deprecated. use finding().clear() instead.